affirmations For Difficult Times

Affirmation Foe Difficult Times

Affirmations for Difficult Times

Tension is a part of everyday life. Almost everyone has feelings of dread, anxiety, or paranoia at some point in their life. Exercise or a hot bath may release physical tension, and concentrating on good thoughts and sensations are two more effective ways to cope with stress.

Affirmations may be used to alter our thoughts and emotions. They may help us focus on how we want to feel and how well we can manage the situation at hand.

Affirmations are most powerful when they are both truthful and useful. It’s hard to accept that certain affirmations are accurate since they are so tacky and silly (like, I am full of peace and joy). Is it realistic or practical to convince yourself that you’re filled with happiness when you’re really filled with anxiety and stress? Probably not. Instead of focusing on what’s happening, consider what you’d want to think, feel, and do in response to the present situation.

Here are some affirmations to assist you in dealing with stress and uncertainty. Truth, right, and usefulness are all subjective concepts with many different interpretations. Use these ideas as a starting point to create your own affirmations or mantras.

how you might tailor your thankfulness or coping skills.

Affirmations of Personal Power

I’m Okay With Who I Am

I'M Okay With Who I Am | Utopian Life | Affirmations For Difficult Times
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I always remember to breathe and take good care of myself.

I Always Remember To Breathe And Take Good Care Of Myself.| Utopian Life | Affirmations For Difficult Times
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With every breath I take, I inhale relaxation, I exhale tension.

With Every Breath I Take, I Inhale Relaxation, I Exhale Tension.| Utopian Life | Affirmations For Difficult Times
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I am allowed to feel all the feelings. Every emotion is acceptable at times like this.

I Am Allowed To Feel All The Feelings. Every Emotion Is Acceptable At Times Like This.| Utopian Life | Affirmations For Difficult Times
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I am love and light. This is what I spread, this is what I receive.

I Am Love And Light. This Is What I Spread, This Is What I Receive.| Utopian Life | Affirmations For Difficult Times
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When I feel like I have reached the bottom, I realize that the only way is up.

When I Feel Like I Have Reached The Bottom, I Realize That The Only Way Is Up. | Utopian Life | Affirmations For Difficult Times
Affirmations for difficult times 34

Staying positive helps me be there for myself and others, and attracts positive outcomes.

Staying Positive Helps Me Be There For Myself And Others, And Attracts Positive Outcomes. | Utopian Life | Affirmations For Difficult Times
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It’s okay to smile and laugh if I feel like it.

It’s Okay To Smile And Laugh If I Feel Like It. | Utopian Life | Affirmations For Difficult Times
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Darkness is not forever, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

My hands are covered.

I have a lot of time on my hands.

I’ve made the decision to be joyful now.

iCare about the person I’ve become.

I can do whatever I want.

Within myself, I have everything that I need.

I am both bright and attractive.

I’m on the path to being a better person.

Affirmation to Deal With pain

Today is a day full of possibilities and compassion.

I am worthy of this opportunity.

My circumstances are ideal, and I am doing exactly what I should be.

Even though things are terrible right now, they will pass.

I’m ok with who I am.

I appreciate the little pleasures in life.

My self-belief allows me to think that everything is possible.

It is within my ability to alter my current circumstances.

Small changes may have a tremendous impact.

Affirmation for Good mental Health

I’m enough.

| Utopian Life | Affirmations For Difficult Times
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I’m in good health.

It’s going to be a fantastic day today.

I’m in command.

Because of everything I’ve done and how far I’ve come, I feel accomplished.

My options are almost limitless.

Affirmation Cards

How to get the most out of them

The more often we repeat an affirmation, the more powerful it becomes. Put them down on paper and have it with you at all times, whether it be in your phone or wallet. We often forget things when we’re under a lot of stress, so having a list of affirmations handy might help.

The majority of individuals prefer to repeat their affirmations multiple times a day, either by reading them quietly, out loud, or writing them down in a diary or notepad. Affirmations should be read or written at the same time each day to establish a habit (first thing in the morning and before bed work well). As a result, the good ideas and sentiments that you’re aiming to cultivate will be reinforced.

These affirmations may also be used as starting points for creative writing. Think about each assertion and see what ideas and sensations come to mind.

You may find some consolation and hope from these words of encouragement.
